Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Following is an excerpt from my new book, The New Technology Paradigm, intended to spark thought and discussion on the all-important subject of PASSION in business.

We all know that passionate people tend to get much better results than those who are only lukewarm about something. Every one of us could name people in the business world whose passion has inspired others to unusual action or achievement. But all too often we don’t think of ourselves as being particularly passionate individuals. If that’s true of you, I’d like to challenge that assumption with a little exercise from my recently published book, The New Technology Paradigm: Transforming IT With Passion, Courage, and Collaboration. Try it out for yourself, and I guarantee you’ll rediscover a passion you might have forgotten was there!

Finding the Passion in Yourself

Just relax for a moment and let your mind wander. As you’re mentally wandering, gently nudge your mind to remember something you’re passionate about, or something you used to be passionate about. Something that gets you excited or makes you feel energized and enthusiastic. Maybe it’s something about your work. Maybe it’s your relationship. Maybe it’s gourmet cooking or playing with your kids or fishing or cruising the Caribbean.

If you can’t think about anything that lights you up right now, think back to when you were a child or a young adult. What got you excited back then? What was going on in your life that absolutely took you over, to the point where you lost track of time and gave yourself completely to that activity?

Take five minutes and really let yourself feel the passion those thoughts and memories create in your body. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations that come up when you think of that thing that makes you feel so exhilarated. Let that passion course through your veins right now, just as though you were living it in this moment. . . . OK, good. If you really allowed yourself to let go, I have no doubt you felt the passion flowing through your veins—whether you love what you do right now or not.

I suggested this exercise to make a single important point: Passion is in everyone! Every human being is inherently passionate; most of us have just forgotten how to activate it. But when we do—and we all can, by using the suggestions and tools outlined in this book—look out, world; everything is going to change!

If you’re interested in finding out more about passion, the power that drives success—and in particular the suggestions and tools for accessing and using it—you can order a copy of The New Technology Paradigm by clicking on the title of the book. I’ll be writing more about business success in future blogs. And I’ll be including more interesting excerpts from my book, too, so stay tuned!

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